Sally Pina
1 min read11 hours ago


I remember that day and all I've felt since then was DREAD. My question has always been, "If so many of us could see the threat DonOLD posed to our country and our democracy, why couldn't others?" It still haunts me to this day, particularly as Nov 5th creeps up on us.

However, DonOLD getting elected didn't happen in a vacuum. The rethugs have been busy for 5 decades 'dumbing down America.' I've written many comments about this. They started infiltrating every level of government - local and state. They'd run for Dog Catcher if that position was open.

They worked really hard to take over city Boards of Supervisors and most importantly, School Boards (which is how they really dumbed down America by changing curriculum, throwing out books, sex education, science, math, gym, coming up with the 'woke' crap, throwing out the word 'slave' in history classes (if history is even taught) and we won't even go into the biases about sexual identity and any student who does not identify with being cisgender.

They went for Mayors, state legislators, and Governors to change blue states to red states, all the while working to make citizens as dumb as they could make them. And boy howdy were they successful, as much as I hate to give rethugs credit for anything, especially today.

But here we are, in a country infested with MAGAts, wondering if after Nov 5th, we'll have a democracy left. That's why it is so critical to VOTE AND




Sally Pina

Retired, extremely liberal and a political junkie. I despise most rethugs but love the animal kingdom and every living thing on our planet.