Sally Pina
16 hours ago


Oh my, you are way more polite and patient then I would have been!

You responded as I would have tried to do:

"To make sense of this you need to offer some evidence that God created human beings in the first place. If he/she/it did, why did he/she/it create such warring beings who are so intolerant, who fight and kill each other?"

For A.B. Melchizedek to respond "What makes violence, warring and killing wrong?" just proves my point that there are so many religious hypocrites. They use religion to justify their own actions that clearly violate human decency, not to mention laws that are meant to prevent or stop violence. Today, so many religions seem to thin it's OK to use violence in the name of GOD. And some wonder why I am not religious!



Sally Pina

Retired, extremely liberal and a political junkie. I despise most rethugs but love the animal kingdom and every living thing on our planet.