Sally Pina
Jun 12, 2024


So, so sick of hit pieces against Biden, who for anyone that cares, will not turn our democracy into a fascist government. Sure there are things a lot of us don't like that's he's done or hasn't done, but it's Orange God who should scare the shit out of anyone who cares about democracy.

Orange God has made it quite clear what his intentions are if elected. He's said over and over again he'd be a dictator for 'one day.' If you believe that, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Oklahoma because no one becomes a dictator for just one day. And locking up political opponents as he's said he'd do? That's a fascist concept if I ever heard one.




Sally Pina

Retired, extremely liberal and a political junkie. I despise most rethugs but love the animal kingdom and every living thing on our planet.